
Qwant is the world’s first search engine that protects its users’ liberties while also ensuring the continued health of the digital ecosystem. It always returns the most relevant results for your searches and never attempts to infer who you are or what you are doing. Websites, movies, photos, music, and shopping, to name a few things, are all conveniently available with a single search engine query. Some of its function includes- support for more than 26 common languages, specialized tools, the ability to display all of the most popular searches as well as recent searches.

However, if Qwant is not working for you anymore? due to some issues! or maybe it is down temporarily, but you don’t want to wait, then here are some of the best alternatives to Qwant which you will enjoy surely.

So, don’t worry, we’ve got your back! if you want to try some other sites like Qwant then here are some of the best Qwant alternatives which you should try:


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Best Alternatives To Qwant


YaCy is a distributed search engine that anybody may use to build a search portal for their own website or to assist in searching the public internet.  Undoubtedly, one of the most attractive aspects of this search engine lies in the fact that it is...

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MetaGer is a meta-search engine that places a strong emphasis on safeguarding the privacy of its users. There are links between all of the search engines, with some linking to as many as 50 search engines, and the results are collated, filtered, and organized before...

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Gigablast is an online search engine. Several programming languages, including C and C++, are used to create the search engine's source code.  When compared to other comparable platforms, it is more straightforward and powerful than others, and it includes a slew of new and noteworthy...

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BoardReader is a search engine that aims at cumulating opinions like Google Groups. It covers web-based bulletin boards as well as discussion boards. It is a free search engine that searches keywords from online posts and titles on forums. This search engine enables one to...

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Yippy is another meta-search engine platform that is family-oriented and never displays inappropriate or illegal content on the internet. It was created specifically for users who wish to provide their children with a secure search environment while still improving their children's search abilities. Yippy's extensive...

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