
Bookfi has made it possible for every bookworm to get access to thousands of books without having to spend a single penny on them. Whether you like comic books, biographies, fairy tales, business, or cookery, the Bookfi has a large selection of eBooks that you can read on your computer or carry with you wherever you go.

However, if Bookfi is not working for you anymore? due to some issues! or maybe it is down temporarily, but you don’t want to wait, then here are some of the best alternatives to Bookfi which you will enjoy surely.

So, don’t worry, we’ve got your back! if you want to try some other sites like Bookfi then here are some of the best Bookfi alternatives which you should try:


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Best Alternatives To Bookfi


If you love reading books but don't wanna pay for them then Ebookee got your back covered. It has thousands of ebooks of various varieties which you can download for free. You can choose from various programming-related books such as Java, C, .net, etc. It...

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Manybooks has a database of more than 50000+ ebooks which you can download for free. Not only download but it also gives you the option to read those ebooks online so the burden of downloading an additional ebook reading software will be removed. You can...

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Using Free Ebooks you can download many interesting, latest as well as plenty of your choice of ebooks for free. You can also publish ebooks on this site which you have and contribute to the site.

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Torrentfunk was launched in 2011. It features various torrent files for downloading Movies, Music TV Series, Ebooks, Anime, Software, and a lot of other torrent stuff.

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Kickass is known to be one of the oldest and most popular torrent download sites. It has a ton of torrent content that you can browse and download. It gives you the opportunity to download torrent files of any Movies, Games, Apps, Music, TV shows,...

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Torlock provides you with quality movie torrents and many other torrent files of various categories such as movies, anime, ebooks, TV, etc. You can download any torrent file right away without any issues. On the site's interface, it also tells you the health score of...

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